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Coronal Left Epidural Hematoma

SKU: S02059


This exhibit features a coronal section of the brain with a large epidural hematoma. A fracture of the right temporal bone injures the middle meningeal artery, causing blood to collect within the epidural space. The brain is forced to shift to the left, compressing the ventricles and herniating the right temporal lobe beneath the tentorium cerebelli. The temporal lobe herniation displaces the right cerebral hemisphere inferiorly, herniating the cerebellar tonsil through the foramen magnum.

Base Stock Illustration Fee

    • DownloadDimensionsFormatPrice
    • 1125 x 1500 pxJPEG$300
    • 2250 x 3000 pxJPEG$500
    *Best for letter sized prints and digital presentations **Best for large Posters

Additional Stock Formats: Prices below are in addition to the stock illustration fee

    • PrintDimensionsFormatPrice
    • print(s) 8.5" x 11"Paper$10 Each
    • print(s) 11" x 17"Paper$20 Each
    • print(s) 20" x 30"Paper$100 Each
    • print(s) 30" x 40"Paper$150 Each
    • Mounted Prints (with lamination and edge moulding)
    • print(s) 20" x 30"Gatorfoam$300 Each
    • print(s) 30" x 40"Gatorfoam$350 Each