SKU: S15a03018
This exhibit depicts the anterior anatomy of the shoulder with spurring of the clavicle, bursal impingement, and subsequent decompression. Anatomical structures include: the clavicle, acromion, subacromial bursa, supraspinatus, biceps brachii, coracoid process, and the humerus. During abduction, the supraspinatus contracts to raise the arm, and the subacromial bursa glides beneath the acromioclavicular joint to prevent friction. Degenerative bone spurs on the clavicle cause narrowing of the subacromial space. The increased friction pinches the subacromial tissues resulting in inflammation, pain, and weakness of the shoulder joint. An incision is made over the distal clavicle and a partial bursectomy is carried out. Further decompression is accomplished by resecting the distal end of the clavicle.